why affirmations don't always work
I’ve felt a real change in myself recently since I have been focusing on my self worth and accepting myself in the now, the most noticeable changes relate to abundance in my work, health and relationships.  Having spent so much of my life feeling rejected and feeling lacking within myself, I have been constantly striving to be better or have more.

I now realise that so many of my problems have related to my lack of self worth and needing approval from others when what I needed was to be content within myself and where I am in my life.  I have had some amazing realisations over the last few weeks, the universe has been providing me the answers that I have needed.

We spend so much time focusing on what we want that we forget and take for granted what we already have.  We are bombarded daily by marketing encouraging us to want more.  This wanting more often comes from and creates more feelings of lack.

We may have beliefs that relate to; approval, self worth, being liked, rejection or fitting in with others that are blocking the abundance and prosperity that we deserve. We may believe that if we have that car it will make us feel better about ourselves or if we dress a certain way we will be accepted by others.

This state of lack affects our health and wellbeing, our relationships and can also contribute to weight gain as the physical body responds by going into famine mode, metabolism is lowered and energy is conserved causing the body to store more fat in case of an emergency.


Identify your limiting beliefs by using this quick exercise

Bring to mind an affirmation now that you believe is not working, take some time to reflect on what feelings or thoughts are coming up whilst your focused on it?  There could be any number of restricting beliefs limiting your manifestation power.  Below are some common examples that could be lurking in your subconscious:

  • I don’t deserve this.
  • I am not worthy.
  • People will dislike me if I have that.
  • I won’t fit in with those around me.

Your feelings are your teachers, they are showing you what you need to work on.

Your words, feelings and actions need to be on the same vibration for your affirmations to work effectively.  If you are saying an affirmation such as “I am loveable” but inside you are feeling hurt and betrayed or thinking but I’m not good enough then you are sending out two different vibrations.  To bring yourself into the vibration of what you are intending you could spend a few minutes thinking about the times in your life where you felt most loved, allowing yourself to really feel it.  This would raise your vibration and match your vibration to that which you desire.


Make sure your vibration is matched by asking yourself these questions

These questions will help you to address any sabotaging beliefs that could be in the way of you manifesting your desires making sure your intent and vibration are matched:

  • Is this affirmation coming from a place of love or fear?
  • Am I feeling in a state of lack or wholeness?
  • Are these beliefs mine or someone else’s?

Restructure your affirmations to refer to the feelings that are coming up, you are then clearing the beliefs behind your affirmations that are limiting you, allowing yourself to be open to receiving that which you desire.  Remember to match your vibration to that which you want and make sure sure your affirmations are written using positive words.

If your affirmation is fear based, contemplate the fear, ask yourself; Where did it come from? What do I need to do or how do I need to be to conquer this fear?  Change your affirmation accordingly so it states how you want to be.

If you are feeling in a state of lack spend time daily focusing on being grateful for what you have and who you are, tell yourself what you need to hear.  This could be; I am enough just as I am, I am exactly where I am meant to be, I am safe and supported, I love myself, even those parts of me that I dislike (name them).  It’s time for you to start seeing and loving who you really are rather than rejecting yourself.

If the belief is someone else’s you don’t need to keep it.  If you don’t agree with it then it no longer belongs with you, chuck it out!  Create your own belief to replace it.

I hope this blog helps you to see and understand yourself, bringing your dreams more into your reality.

Much love

Emma x



“Just love everybody that interacts with you no matter how personally, or how peripherally, involved with you they are. The efficiency of the people who deal with you… everything is orchestrated by the manager called Law of Attraction. And your vibration is setting all of it into motion. Everything affecting you is a reflection of the vibration that you are emitting. Spend more time focused upon your dream than upon the reality. The reality gives birth to the dream — but the dream is where you are wanting to put your attention.” ~ Abraham

“One interesting thing about greed is that although the underlying motive is to seek satisfaction, the irony is that even after obtaining the object of your desire you are still not satisfied. The true antidote of greed is contentment.”  ~ The 14th Dalai Lama

“If you’ve got somebody’s aspects in your experience that you don’t like, there’s only one reason they’re there. You keep evoking them with your attention to them. Without knowing about Law of Attraction, you have — through your old habit of observation — achieved vibrational harmony with the parts of them that you do not like, and you keep summoning those parts from them by your constant vibrational offering of them.” ~ Abraham