Abundance affirmations

In Feng Shui water is the symbol of abundance and prosperity. Placing an image of a waterfall in your purse can help you connect with the never ending flow of universal abundance. Print this image and place it in your purse now.

Either create your own affirmations to use with this picture or you can use the abundance affirmations below:

  • The more I have the more I give, and I have a lot
  • I am prosperous
  • I am abundant
  • Money flows easily to me

Repeat the affirmations out loud, full of feeling and enthusiasm.

You may wish to add a crystal. Citrine or herkimer diamonds are often used for this purpose. Better still go into a crystal shop and set the intention of finding the perfect crystal to place in your purse to attract prosperity, your eyes may get fixated or you may just know which one is best. Trust your intuition.

Know that abundance is your birthright and you do deserve it. You are only limited by your own restrictions. Let go of old belief patterns saying that you are not worthy and open your arms to the infinite source that is available to you now. Look out for signs as the universe guides you.

Wishing you lots of love, peace, and abundance.
Emma xx