Transform your life with the Archangels and Qabalah in Emma’s 10 month home study course

Angelic Transformational Therapy

Tree Of Life Angel CourseAngelic Transformational Therapy is a journey of transformation working with the Archangels and Qabalah for spiritual and personal development, it works on all aspects of life, bringing us into much deeper alignment with our true self and Source/God, knowing who and what we are and why we are here.

Qabalah comes from Judaism and has been practiced for thousands of years.  It is known as the yoga of the West. Its energy and teachings are powerful and profound.  It is said that an Archangel gave the teachings to Adam and Eve as they were expelled from the Garden of Eden as a pathway back to God, back to grace.

It is spaced over 10 months, each month has lessons, meditations and practices for you to follow at your own pace.  When you signup, Emma and the Angelic Realm will be connecting with you, your higher-self and your guides, all working together to raise your vibration and your level of consciousness, bringing you what you need for your transformational journey.

Within the Tree of Life there are 10 spheres known as Sephirah, each with a governing Archangel, these Sephirah correspond to different emanations of divine consciousness which collectively make up our experience of life.  Qabalah teaches that when these spheres are all united, all things in Heaven and Earth are one.  By working with and understanding these spheres we have a map from physicality back to Divine Source and full enlightenment.

Your journey will start at the base of the Tree of Life in Malkuth; the Kingdom with Archangel Sandalphon.  Here you will get clear on what you want to create, building a strong foundation, increasing your financial security, physical vitality and health.  You will ascend up the tree creating greater emotional strength and stability, understanding and overcoming your fears and subconscious blocks, developing your intuition, connecting and aligning with your guides, your soul, your higher self and your higher purpose.  You will gain much greater awareness, clarity and understanding of yourself and the bigger picture as you journey up to Keter at the top of the Tree which represents spiritual perfection with Archangel Metatron.

The 10 Archangels of the Tree of Life will be supporting you throughout, sharing energies, guidance, meditations and exercises with you.

The energy of this course with its teachings and practices are powerful and enlightening.  Are you ready to transform your world?

Online Angel Course

“We, the Archangels are here to help you on your life path, guiding, supporting and nourishing you, helping you to experience the most out of life.

Through this course you will realise much more of your soul potential, you will expand in knowledge and awareness.

You will heal and grow. This is where you experience great love and fulfilment.

Here you experience the joys of life and follow your path of light, returning to the true you, the majestic divine you and back to Divine Source.”

Sound familiar…


  • You feel lost or disconnected with yourself and in life…

  • You have past hurt and emotional trauma that you want to heal and move on from and want to experience a higher relationship with yourself and others…

  • You suffer with stress, feel over emotional and want greater peace and balance in your life…

  • You feel unworthy, that you’re not enough or that you are a failure in some way…

  • You feel there is much more to life but feel stuck…

  • You want to develop spiritually but your not sure of the next steps…

Learn how to take your power back, align with your higher self and create a life you love with the Archangels and Qabalah.

Would you like to experience…


  • A deep connection to the Angelic realm, your Soul, your Higher Self and God/Source…

  • Great love for yourself and all life…

  • A joyful and fulfilling divine led life in absolute alignment with your truth and purpose…

  • Abundance in all aspects of your life…

  • Deep inner knowing and intuitive awareness…

  • Freedom from fear…

  • Trust in yourself and in life…

  • Self confidence and self worth…

  • Increased health and vitality…

  • Deep fulfilling relationships…

  • Great emotional stability and balance…

This course teaches you how.  You are given powerful healing and support that will help you to experience blessings beyond your imagination.

Each month your journey will be supported with…



This will be your guide for the month ahead.  Each Archangel will share guidance, practices and meditations with you.

Your workbook includes:

  • Information about each Archangel, how you can best work with them and how they will be supporting you through the month
  • Channelled messages from the Archangels
  • Transformational steps for your month ahead from the Archangels
  • Teachings and lessons from Qabalah and its Tree of Life
  • What the angels want you to know each month


Each Archangel has a temple of light that exists on the inner planes. Each month you will receive recorded meditations where the Archangels take you on a special journey to their temple to share healing, energy and support with you.

From beautiful crystal caves to golden temples in the sky you will go on magical healing journeys with each Archangel.  These are places of great power, guidance and love and they will help you to experience yourself on deeper levels.

Archangel Temple of Light Meditations


At a set time each week you will receive energy transmissions from Emma and the Archangels, these are offerings from the divine to shift you forwards, bringing in high energies and great amounts of support.  These transmissions include energy clearing, rebalancing and energising, chakra and aura healing, energy upgrades, DNA activation and much more.  To gain maximum benefit from these transmissions it is recommended that you remain still for this time, preferably in meditation.

Emma will also send meditations, channelled messages and updates throughout the course to all students on behalf of the Archangels.

Emma Penman


Receive high energy products to assist you on your journey each month, these are included in the silver and gold packages and are worth £200.

These can include:

  • Programmed crystals – Each month has a specific crystal chosen by the Archangels to support your healing and expansion.  Wear them, sleep near them and work with them whilst completing the course and its practices.  Each crystal is programmed specifically for you.
  • Archangel essences – These enhance your connection with the Archangels and bring great support for your journey on the course and in in your everyday life.
  • Loose incense, crystal jewellery and more.

To find out more about Emma’s channeled products visit www.moonstarenergies.co.uk

Angel essence



I have received two sections for the Angelic Transformational Therapy course so far and its been just what I needed with everything that has been going on in the world recently. I also do Transformational Bodywork with Emma and have had nothing but ongoing transformation throughout. I have learnt so much about Archangel Sandalphon and Gabriel, which we do learn about in Transformational Bodywork but having this more in depth information and a month to really connect and look within with the support of them has been extremely nourishing. I feel I can call on them much more easily and feel their presence. Emma provides in depth information about each angel, what essences to use to connect, how to connect and much more. I have learnt so much in just two sections so far! Another thing is learning about the tree of life, something I have always been drawn to but never known why, now I know! 🙂 The meditations and steps are an amazing way to practically look within and get thoughts and inner workings down on paper and to reflect on to begin building stronger relationships, challenge myself and produce a healthy attitude all round; I have been able to identify triggers and take more control over my emotions and actually identify these much more easily than before. I would highly recommend doing this course, to make time for yourself and to connect with the Angels. It has been a life line for me in these troubling times and has made me see everything from a different perspective.
This is a 10 part course which goes in depth into strengthening relationships with Archangels. I have found this course to be invaluable. It compliments other Spiritual development I have done. I can use the course in my own time and it is wonderful value for money with the gift of programmed crystals and essences reflecting the Angel of the month. Emma is exceptionally gifted and knowledgeable. These are not to be missed!!!
Taz Wilson
I was astonished at the immediacy of connection to each archangel and the power of their presence. Emma is clearly a profound channel for this work. I received deep, powerful healings in each section that I have received so far. I cannot recommend this course highly enough.
Charmian Winser
Founder  - The Light Centre
The angelic transformational therapy course is a very special and beautiful journey to experience. The course materials, messages and meditations are so lovely and the personal changes I have experienced are beyond those I ever imagined when I started the course. I had worked with Emma before on a Reiki course and so I knew how special her connection was with the angels and energies and this course has further taken me on the most amazing path of change and self discovery, it is supportive and special in so many ways and I can only say how wonderful it is to anyone else thinking of starting the course.
Zoe Mitchell

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