Words cannot express how deeply grateful I am to Charmian (the course creator) and the Transformational Bodywork Masters for coming into my life.  The energies are so beautiful, nurturing, supporting and expanding on so many different levels.  

I had been working in IT and felt deeply unhappy, I had suffered from depression since I was about 13 and went on antidepressants every winter for years.  I knew deep down I wasn’t doing what I was mean’t to be doing or what made me happy.  My body was rejecting nearly everything I ate, my brain function was getting worse, I felt terrible, I now realise my body was reacting to my rejection of my true self, what my higher self wanted.  It was my wake up call.

I felt guided to Charmian and when we first met, she told me I was going to be a Reiki Master, not long after she then told me I would be teaching Transformational Bodywork, even before I had learnt it.  I completed the course with two groups and loved every minute.  My life had changed forever, I had woken up, I had realised that the Angels had been talking to me through numbers for years but I never realised they were there.  I feel very blessed to have been guided by Charmian so strongly, there was no doubt and I just said ok and thought I have no idea how this or if this will ever happen, I was so shy that I could barely talk to groups, let alone teach.  I asked Source for more and more trust and it was given over and over.

Through learning and teaching Transformational Bodywork I have been introduced to or reconnected to the most amazing beings and people.  I have found my tribe, those I feel I can truly be myself around and that we can support each other as we all heal and grow.

Transformational Bodywork has truly changed my life for the better, I am in flow with life rather than fighting or striving, I am surrounded by and can tune into amazing energies whenever I wish, I have much deeper connections to my soul and my higher wisdom which has increased my sense of self, my confidence, courage and has helped in everything I do. 

I have more purposeful and beautiful connections to nature, to life, to others and have much greater meaning in my life.  I know I am fulfilling my purpose by helping to spread light and helping others to develop spiritually, finding their sense of power, their higher connections and all the benefits this brings to health, happiness and so much more.  

It has brought clarity and understanding, I am able to see and work through my issues, my behaviour and patterns.  Allowing them to transform in light to a much better way of being.

Enlightenment, ascension, expansion what ever you want to call it, the connections and experiences this course has brought me have been incredible!  I have so much support and I am constantly developing.  I have embodied it, surrendered to it and allowed what was needed and been blessed all the way.

Completing Charmians revised Level 2 Transformational Bodywork course has been amazing.  I’ve been blessed to have shared the experience with some of my favourite people and gone on so many expansive and enlightening journeys receiving such beautiful and powerful healings and experiences.  They have taken me to whole new level, my awareness and connection to Source has increased dramatically.  My sense of self so much greater, I am filled with excitement for what is to come and to share more with others.

Here are some of my favourite and most valuable experiences:

  • Straight after my intitiation to level 1 I was able to sense the vibration of foods/essential oils to know whether they were good for me or not.  Eating a walnut or a grape could put me in bed for a couple of hours as my intolerances were so bad.  This forced me to tune in and connect with my body and my higher wisdom often, developing my connections, intuitive abilities and helping me to support myself with the right choices.
  • Experiencing and seeing what my multi-dimensional self is doing, the magnitude of what we are on other levels is EPIC, we are not just human, we are absolutely multi-dimensional beings having a human experience.  We all exist and are doing amazing things on so many levels.  To see this was so powerful and empowering.
  • As a teacher seeing people expand in skills, awareness, self love, to see them heal their pain and become so much lighter and brighter with greater depth and connection to their true divine self.  Seeing them doing the same with others and animals.
  • My favourite part of Transformational Bodywork is giving attunements.  The energy is high, blissful, expansive and hard to define with words.  In preparation for my Introduction to Angels course I was connecting to each Archangel in turn to get a sense of their energy and connect with them on a deeper level.  When I reached Archangel Sandalphon who is in charge of Transformational Bodywork I instantly recognised the energy, it was what I always felt during attunements.  The same beautiful and expansive energy.  
  • Knowing the moment my baby was conceived and that she was a girl, having her communicate with me before she was born, feeling her being talk to me and sensing her needs.  Feeling her wanting to be involved in energy work, so much so that I couldn’t continue my conversations until she was brought into the conversation.  She wanted others to be aware that she was working energetically too.  So so special and incredible.

Transformational Bodywork is all about developing our connection to our guides, higher levels of us up to Source, allowing a much higher expanded self benefiting the expansion of all.  Whether through healing ourselves and others or just by being in our expanded state.

I can’t think of anything better than this to share.

With love and blessings to all.

Emma x

To find out about learning Transformational Bodywork click here