self love quote
The more we love ourselves the more doorways open to allow us to experience greater love.  Our health, relationships and wellbeing all improve.  What we feel about ourselves is what we attract back.  If we are full of anger and resentment towards ourselves or our life experiences, this manifests in the world around us and in our physical body.  Often we are not even conscious that we are holding on to these feelings as they have been with us so long.  Most likely from childhood and even our past lives.

Lack of self love is the cause of much of our suffering, if we do not love ourselves we find it hard to respect ourselves.  If we all loved and respected ourselves the world would be a very different place.  How can we truly give to another or expect back from them that which we do not give to ourselves?!

You may even sabotage your relationships or your health when things start going well based on your limiting beliefs, it is not uncommon.

Below are some great techniques to help you realise your potential and see the love that you are and that you deserve.


Mirror exercise

This well known exercise is taught by Louise Hay and is a powerful process for your transformation.

When you wake up in the morning look in the mirror.  Place your hand on your heart and tell yourself “I love you your name, I really love you, all of you, just the way you are, you are perfect just as you are”.  Feel free to change the words, use what is most appropriate for you.

You may even have resistances just reading this.  It may not be easy for you to do but each time you do it, it will get easier and your likely to notice changes in your habits and how you talk to yourself and others, even in how you eat or treat your body.  You are an amazing being, full of love and it is time you realised this!


Using affirmations

Using affirmations are a great way to help you to love yourself more and welcome more love into your life.  It helps to have them written around the house so that when you see them you can repeat them.  Put them on your fridge, on a mirror, even your computers screen saver or desktop as a reminder.

Using affirmations often brings up our resistances, if you do feel resistance, reflect on the beliefs behind them and ask yourself “Is this serving me?” Is this my belief or someone else’s?  If they are not then thank them for the lessons they have taught you and choose to release them now.  An effective technique is to see them as a bubble in front of you and watch them drift up into the arms of the angels who will take care of them for you.

Next choose a new positive belief and use this as your affirmation.  The angels love to help you, ask them to help you to fully embody your new beliefs on all levels.

Know that you have all the power you need to make amazing changes in your life.  You are so much more powerful than you realise.


Self love affirmations

Using your own affirmations based on your new chosen positive beliefs will be greatly beneficial as they are more specific to the changes you wish to make which makes them more effective.

Below are two affirmations I recommend to help you love yourself more, choose the one that feels right for you and and repeat it 3x, feel the positive vibrations of it as this is what makes the real difference, I promise it will get easier and easier the more you do this:

“Everyday I am choosing and learning to love myself more and more.”

“I am love, I accept love, I am surrounded by love and I radiate love”


Combining affirmations with EFT (Tapping)

Affirmations combined with tapping works amazingly well.  You tap on points on the body which relate to certain meridians, this clears energetic blockages helping you to release on a deeper level.

EFT is easy to learn and there are some great videos on you tube.  I highly recommend listening to Nick Ortner, Jessica Ortner, Cheryl Richardson and Louise Hay.  I love their energy and inspiration.  The below video is from the Taping World Summit and Jessica teaches you the basics of how to tap.



The next video is with Louise Hay and Nick Ortner.  It provides great insight into to what tapping is and how it can help you.  Nick takes Louise through tapping away one of her fears.  You can tap along in relation to one of your fears.  Louise then takes you through a magical tapping journey connecting with the angels for helping you to feel free, safe, and supported.



When we love ourselves and our true to who we are we set an example to others as well as affecting the All energetically.

This is a wonderful gift that we can give to the world.


Lots of love, light and blessings

Emma xx