Is your heart longing to be somewhere or to do something? Are you listening?  Does your heart want you to rest, dance, play, love???  How can you best express your heart? Take the time to connect and listen.  It is through our hearts that we most strongly connect to our greater self, Source and all life.  When we are well connected to our hearts we feel more in flow with life and feel more love and joy in our lives.  Here is a quick meditation you can use to shift your vibration and bring greater alignment with your heart.

1. Take a deep breath
2. Place your hands over your heart
3. Feel it beating
4. Thank it for everything it does
5. Smile into it
6. Call in the unconditional love from the universe that is all around you
7. Allow your heart to expand with this energy that is building
8. Be open to any messages/experiences that your heart may wish to share, just being with your heart in this way will bring you into much greater alignment with it as well as bringing health benefits and greater spiritual development

Do you suffer with stress?  Stress causes much dis-ease within our energy body and this will eventually manifest in our physical body if not released  Doing the above heart meditation will help you to release this stress.  Did you know that when we smile we switch off the sympathetic nervous system also known as the fight or flight response which limits the functioning of our bodies so that our energy is focused on getting us out of danger, and turns on the parasymathetic nervous system (our healthy functioning state).  Next time you are stressed bring that smile to your face, it doesn’t matter if you are faking it but allow the smile to reach your eyes.  A fast track fix to a healthier and happier you.

“When we’re engaged with our hearts, the mind slows down and our thoughts become more rational and focused”
― Doc Childre, The HeartMath Solution: The Institute of HeartMath’s Revolutionary Program for Engaging the Power of the Heart’s Intelligence

“Positive thoughts and feelings add energy to our system. An optimistic perspective, a feeling of appreciation, or a gesture of kindness, for example, are energy assets. Negative thoughts and feelings deplete our store of energy. Anger, jealousy, and judgmental thoughts, for example, are energy deficits.”
― Doc Childre, The HeartMath Solution: The Institute of HeartMath’s Revolutionary Program for Engaging the Power of the Heart’s Intelligence