Happiness Comes From Within
Emma2020-03-24T08:22:40+00:00Lasting happiness comes from within. To help find this be more loving towards yourself and others, be more graceful and show your gratitude for the many gifts that life has given you. Xxx
Lasting happiness comes from within. To help find this be more loving towards yourself and others, be more graceful and show your gratitude for the many gifts that life has given you. Xxx
Finding the gift in our experiences can be a powerful aid to raising our consciousness, freeing ourselves of limiting patterns and frustrations. Ask yourself why would I choose this experience for myself. What do I need to learn [...]
In Feng Shui water is the symbol of abundance and prosperity. Placing an image of a waterfall in your purse can help you connect with the never ending flow of universal abundance. Print this image and place it [...]
Create an abundance board to hang in your bedroom so that you absorb its energy whilst you sleep Inspired by Denise Linn on the Hay House summit I now feel full of energy and inspiration. Last night I [...]
The Three Waves of Volunteers and The New Earth – Dolores Cannon This book will certainly get you questioning who you are, why you are here, what you are doing whilst you sleep and on higher levels. My [...]
Gregg Braden takes us on a short trip through consciousness that connects our feelings and our mass reality. http://youtu.be/vRQeIsfQtE4 20 Keys of Conscious Creation by Gregg Braden Key 1: The Divine Matrix is the container that holds the universe, the [...]
http://youtu.be/KPaaHVmQUZI Stunning Buddhist chants from the album, 'Dakini- Buddhist Chants in Praise of the Sacred Feminine', by world-renowned duo IndiaJiva and Ayya Yeshe, CHOD is a practice that cuts off ignorance and egotism. A praise invoking the female [...]
http://youtu.be/EiBsczafvaA I'm guided so often to recommend this to my clients that I thought it was about time I shared it here. Often the relationships that cause us the most difficulty have the greatest lessons for our growth. [...]
http://youtu.be/9qCCBaBzH-0 Black Tourmaline is commonly used for its amazing healing benefits which include grounding, protection and purification of lower energies. In the last 20-30 years our environment has been swamped with electricity and chemicals like never before so it [...]
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=msr_0d-ZBe4 A gifted sound healer and chanting artist shares her beautiful sounds.