To receive the healing transmissions of the Enlightenment group from home I suggest the below steps:

  1. Find a place where you will be undisturbed ready to connect 15 minutes past the group start time.  You may wish to light a candle or burn some incense.
  2. Go into meditation and repeat this invocation: “I call upon my higher self, Source and Archangel Sandalphon to ground and protect me now and connect me to the Enlightenment Group so I can receive its healing transmissions”.
  3. If you have any intentions for help that you would like to receive for yourself, others or the planet ask for this now.  Know that your prayers are heard and make a difference.
  4. Let go trusting that exactly what is needed and for the greatest good of all concerned will be completed, let thoughts pass like clouds, surrender to the energies and the present moment, emotions may wish to be expressed, sounds may wish to come out or your body may want to move.  Come back when you feel ready.
  5. Finish by bringing your hands into prayer position and giving thanks.

If you have any questions or if you would like to tell me about your experience I would love to hear so please contact me.

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