Past Life Workshop

Roger's Hill Farm, Briantspuddle, Dorchester, Dorset, DT2 7HJ

Past lives can have a huge impact on how we live our lives, many patterns, issues and lessons can originate here.  Have you ever just met someone but feel like you already them?  They may have been a [...]


Introduction to Crystals Workshop

Roger's Hill Farm, Briantspuddle, Dorchester, Dorset, DT2 7HJ

Crystals have been revered for millennia for their healing properties and beauty, often used for manifestation, protection, meditation, intuitive insight and so much more.  They are teachers here to help and support us. Would you like to learn more about [...]


Transform your Life with Crystal Grids

Roger's Hill Farm, Briantspuddle, Dorchester, Dorset, DT2 7HJ

Would you like to learn how to use crystal grids to benefit yourself and your home?  This workshop will teach you how. You will learn how to create the right energy via crystal grids to support you and [...]


Starseed and Total Lunar Eclipse Workshop

Roger's Hill Farm, Briantspuddle, Dorchester, Dorset, DT2 7HJ

We are increasingly taking on more light and receiving activations allowing us to embody more of our true self and accomplish more of our soul intentions for this incarnation.  The Andromedans and Pleaideans are planning great downloads of healing [...]


11:11 Starseed Workshop

Roger's Hill Farm, Briantspuddle, Dorchester, Dorset, DT2 7HJ

On this powerful day we will be connecting with different star systems including the Andromedan and Pleiadian High Councils, our star ancestors and many other high beings to bring great light to accelerate our growth and the ascension plan [...]


Introduction to the Angels and Masters Workshop

Roger's Hill Farm, Briantspuddle, Dorchester, Dorset, DT2 7HJ

Have you wondered if Angels are real?  Have you felt their connections before and want to learn more about them and how they can help transform your life?  Do you find feathers, coins and see recurring numbers?  These [...]
