Online Solstice Activations Divine Healing Circle
June 21, 2022 @ 7:00 pm - 8:30 pm
| £9The Summer Solstice brings powerful ascension upgrades as a portal is open illuminating our true selves, heightening the ascension pathway for us all. It aligns us to our hearts, to our true centre, it shines a light on who we once were and where we wish to move forward to so that we can fulfill much more of our divine potential.
The Summer Solstice marks the time of the year of the longest day and the shortest night. Where the sun and its fire energy has reached its full height and is at its strongest. The Solstice is a celebration of all that has been achieved in the waxing cycle of the Sun. As we close this cycle we welcome in the new yin cycle of inner growth under the influence of water. The days will then start to shorten and we are sent inwards for deeper inner work and reflection. Working with these cycles aligns us with nature, it brings us into our natural state of equilibrium and harmony. The Solstice also brings in the first day of Cancer, representing the universal mother and feminine nurturing. It is a powerful time of rebirth and renewal, wiping the slate clean and starting anew.
Connect with the Energy of the Sun, here in its full glory to support us.
What is the Sun wishing to share with you, what is it bringing up within you to transform?
Allow your heart to feel this connection. Allow yourself to let go and receive.
The Sun wants you to commune with it, to work with its cycles, as does the Moon.
During this group Archangel’s Metatron and Micheal will be working with us to bring us to into greater divine union, we will amplify the Earth’s energy field to support the global transition into this higher expression of Earth and humanity. We will be anchoring divine light codes of wisdom, purification and more into our DNA, cells and energy body to assist us in our awakening and journey of ascension.
We will be releasing the past, shedding what no longer serves us in a purification ritual. We will align with our highest selves and set our wishes and intentions for the second part of the year. It is here that we can connect deeply to our inner power, rising from the ashes, connecting within our hearts to the Earth, to Source and all that is, further breaking free of the old paradigm, the 3d timelines of polarisation and victim mentality. Here we are stepping forwards as a higher version of ourselves, purified, anchoring more deeply onto the new 5th dimensional grid of unity consciousness. We are raising our vibration, reducing our physical density, living from our hearts and manifesting heaven on Earth for the highest good of all. This is where we heal and the world heals with us. It is here that we can manifest our deepest Soul desires with much greater ease and joy and live out our highest potential.
Please wear good quality headphones as I will be working with light language and sound therapy to anchor this healing and transformation deeply within you. Please arrive a few minutes before so that we are ready to start on time, creating the circle and setting intentions for the group.
The circle will be recorded and available shortly after incase you can’t join us live.
Tickets are £9 per person, access is online via Zoom at 7pm for approximately 90 minutes.
Emma is a fantastic healer, body and energy worker with very profound crystal knowledge. ~ Book excerpt from Crystal Skulls by Judy Hall.