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Past lives can have a huge impact on how we live our lives, many patterns, issues and lessons can originate here.  Have you ever just met someone but feel like you already them?  They may have been a past love, a member of your family, you may have a karmic debt with them.

Do you have pain in your body that just won’t heal, even after years of professional help.  A shoulder issue in this life could be caused by an injury to that area in a previous life.

Do you have a fear that seems irrational and you have had no experiences that you can recall that could have caused this?  A fear of water often comes from drowning in a previous life.

Would you like to:

  • Learn about past lives and how they affect us
  • Learn how to see and heal your past lives
  • Reintegrate past life lessons and abilities?
  • Clear your karma
  • Reunite with lost soul fragments that you have lost due to trauma?
  • Develop your multi-dimensional self?
  • Develop your intuition and awareness?
  • Rewrite your soul contracts?

The Masters and Angels will work with us to raise our vibration and level of consciousness by releasing and integrating our past lives.  We will be working on developing our awareness, increasing our intuitive abilities and developing our healing skills.

We will perform soul retrieval, helping to integrate parts of our soul that have fragmented due to trauma.  We will be accessing the akashic records which hold our soul contracts, we will have the opportunity to rewrite those that are not serving our higher purpose.

