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Gather with us in Sacred Sisterhood as we harness the potent energies of the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Libra, still within the powerful Aries Spring Equinox window.

This beautiful circle and powerful ceremony, with its heart-centred focus will take us all to the next stage of our path to enlightenment, embodying the divine feminine Goddess/Priestess within and unity consciousness.

Amidst this trio of huge energies we shed the next layer of the old to access our true authentic power, wisdom, warrior strength and  prosperity. This will help us to feel empowered, create clarity, find our voice, step into our power and be the next level authentic version of ourselves, living life from your heart space.

🌸On this day, as we approach the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse it is the perfect time to reset ourselves energetically and balance.  Libra helps us connect to our emotions and Venus, the planet of pleasure, love, relationships, and money. We naturally carry an energy that makes it easy to attract  these wonderful things and connect to our creativity. Libra offers us patience, compassion, the ability to see things from the other perspective and encourages us to set boundaries.

🌸The Spring Equinox of Aries is the start of a new cycle emphasising the energy of it’s sign, Aries. It is positioned at 0 degs, allowing us to reflect in perfect stillness, giving us the ability to be in the now, whilst projecting it’s traits – be bold, be brave, be ambitious! Be spontaneous, ignite the fire within you, feel empowered! The eclipse encourages us to embrace our shadow side, to uncover our deepest truths, forgive ourselves and to not make excuses for who we are.

🌸Through guided meditations, rituals, sharing circles, drumming and chanting we will embrace the transformative energies of the eclipse season and align with our highest truth and potential. We will delve into introspection and release the old blueprint.

Terri & Emma will help anchor celestial support from different realms and star systems and of course, be there supporting lovingly and channelling attunements for your personal highest good and the highest good of all.

🌸 Energetic Upgrades: Emma & Terri will support you through a series of energetic upgrades, DNA activations, purifications and openings, channelling through their higher aspects and guides.  Taking you on a deep inner journey to uncover your deepest truths and desires, unlocking your potential and higher levels of consciousness.

🌸 Sound Bath: Immerse yourself in the ethereal vibrations of a sound journey with gongs, singing bowls, Native American flutes, crystal harps, an aspect of Sophia golden chalice and more. As the celestial symphony of the lunar eclipse reverberates through the cosmos, allow the resonant tones to wash over you, soothing your mind, body, and spirit. Experience deep relaxation, healing, and energetic alignment as you surrender to the cosmic harmonies.

🌸 What to bring

  • Comfortable clothing
  • Yoga mat, cushion or blanket or you can use those provided
  • Water bottle
  • Journal and pen
  • Sacred offerings for our blessing circle if you wish: dried or fresh flowers, Sacred water from a local spring or well
  • Drum or rattle if you have one

🌸 Investment

Join in person £40 (Booking is required, Concessions available – contact us)

Buy In Person Ticket


🌸 Distance healing transmissions:

If you can’t join us in person you can choose to receive our distance healing transmissions so you don’t miss out.  We will send out a ritual and instructions for connecting with our group energy.  This can be completed at the time of our event or at a time more convenient to you. (Choose what you can afford)

£7.50 Remote Healing Ticket


£11 Remote Healing Ticket


£15 Remote Healing Ticket