It is time to awaken to who you truly are, to your multi-dimensional self and to why you are here, helping you expand, heal and grow.

Do you need help aligning with who you truly are?

I have just had an amazing time at the Mind, body, spirit festival in Lyndhurst helping people heal and expand, opening them up to the amazing support that is available to them.  Many of us have been going through massive change and transformation and it is so exciting to see.  At times it can be difficult when we do not understand the process we are going through, finding it hard to see through the pain and struggle that there is a higher purpose and that there are many blessings involved.

Trust that there is always a plan, your higher self and Source know exactly what the best path is for you and are orchestrating events and experiences to help you.  You do not have to feel alone anymore as you are one, when you open up to these higher levels of you life flows with greater ease, you experience greater abundance, you understand your self better, you feel more purpose and have much greater love and compassion for yourself and others.

Why not try some of the below techniques to help you align with your true self:

1)  Experience alone time, silence, accepting the present moment and just allowing yourself the space to be still and free.  You might be surprised of the solutions to your problems, ideas and inspirations that come.  Emotions may also come, just see them like clouds passing, no need to attach, just accepting and observing and know that this allows them to heal and pass.

2)  Spend time with loved ones, being in the moment, listening, experiencing, playing, seeing where the experiences take you.  Be open and accepting.

3)  Feeling the pure vibration of Source and higher levels of you by setting the intention to feel it.  Ask yourself “If I was to feel the pure vibration of Source and my higher self now, what would that feel like?”  The more you do this the more you are building this connection, receiving healing from these levels and embodying more of who you truly are.  Do not worry if you do not feel much at first.

4)  Ask yourself “How can I best express myself today/in this moment/with my loved ones/my work?”

My calling is to help you embody your greater, multi-dimensional self, bringing healing and transformation.

If you would like my help I would love to work with you.  I channel higher levels of us up to Source, Angels, Masters whilst using various modalities and teachings to bring through what is for your highest good at that moment.

I am available for private sessions for the that one to one attention, clearing blockages, healing wounds, shifting your level of vibration so that you can embody your more of true self and I offer many different courses to assist you working in a group environment.  From channeling the Angelic and Master Realms up to Source, developing your intuition, raising your level of consciousness, developing your skills as a healer and creating total life transformation as you align more fully with who you really are and your purpose.

Such wonderful friendships are also formed as like minded people and soul family are brought together, the healing from this is great as we all feel called to be with those that share our beliefs and are on a similar path.

Work with me now