Archangel Metatron lovingly shared this message for us.  With so much conflict and chaos expressing in the world through wars and weather patterns this is gratefully received, our inner transformation supports the all and is so essential right now. We are not just healing ourselves, these changes  are so much bigger than us and it’s important to know we do make a difference.

“To be living in this day and age is a very powerful time as it allows the transmutation of trauma of worlds, of many civilisations that have been demolished or have caused great destruction within them and the world around them.  This time now opens doors for cosmic streams of enlightened energy to transform the masses and the Earth.  The fall of mankind on many levels, where fear has ruled and kingdoms fell. 

May we all appreciate the depths of this immense clearing and what it means, far reaching out into the cosmos and for each other.  What is being brought forth is great heart power, mastery and spiritual expansion.  May life on Earth be returned to one of great oneness, unity, thriving in communities and for the All.

Mastery is an inside job; it starts with you, and its effects ripple out, infusing divine will and expanded consciousness into the Earth and the ethers, expanding the All. One can and does affect the All.

It is time to focus on your inner conflict, the war inside,  For it is this that calls for your attention.  Sit, listen and feel.  Allow to come to conscious awareness that which is needing recognition and transmutation.  For it is this process that moves us all forwards.

May you find space within yourself to let go, to surrender to the divine within, to feel her call, as she expresses through you.

For in you is the seed of creation, the seed of the divine, nurture and hold in love this seed.  Allow it to bloom in your loving care.  You are divine, you are Source, you are the mother of all creation expressing through you.

I am Metatron, may this message support you well. In love and devotion to the All.”

An exercise to support you in resolving inner conflict:

Take some deep breaths and relax into your body.

Close your eyes and envision yourself in front of you, see yourself surrounded by a large sphere of pure white and golden light.  

Allowing the infusion of master and angelic energy to lovingly support you, bringing their healing and protection.  Archangel Metatron guiding what is best for you in the moment.

Now when ready allow yourself to see any conflict within your energy as dark clouds of energy, they maybe within your body or aura.  These clouds represent any unresolved emotions, challenges, or fears.

Visualise these dark clouds reflecting to you any messages and lessons that you need to be aware of.  What are they trying to tell you?  Know that you are safe and protected and that you will only be shown what will support you best in the moment.  

Allow yourself to express an emotions with ease that need to surface.  You may wish to see these emotions like passing clouds in the sky.  

Any clouds that need additional support allow them to be taken from your energy by the angels and transmuted in love.  They will help you with any unresolved trauma or lessons that may still need to be healed or learnt.  Know that this process can take time but trust always that it is working to support you in every moment.  There is nothing to fear, this is the surfacing of your shadow, bringing it into light, bringing you into greater levels of wholeness and divine embodiment.

Finish by giving thanks and taking some time to rest and integrate.