Hi, I am Emma,
Thank you for visiting my site. I have been teaching spiritual development and energy therapy since 2011. My life is dedicated to being a pure channel for Source energy, the Archangels and Masters, bringing through divine offerings to support the Earth and humanity.
I combine spiritual teaching, coaching, sound healing and energy therapy through my meditation groups, courses and private sessions. I am the creator of Angelic Transformational Therapy (ATT) and the founder and creator of Sacred Earth & Moonstar Energies, of which you can find out more about below.
Most of my life I have had spiritual experiences and have been fascinated by spirituality, philosophy, religion and divination. I always sensed energies around me and was highly intuitive. My training in divination started at age 13, my spiritual journey continued and in 2001 I was inwardly guided towards practicing Buddhism, finding great affinity in its philosophy and bringing great meaning in to my life.
In 2010 I was guided to Charmian Winser who soon became my spiritual teacher. I was initiated as Charmian’s successor with the task of continuing her teachings. I have been teaching Transformational Bodywork created by Charmian since 2012 which is a path of Enlightenment as well as an energy healing modality, it brings you into deeper union with your higher self and Source, it attunes to Ascended Masters, Archangels and high celestial masters, it gives planetary initiations and brings in new energies to support the Earth and humanity.
I have trained in many modalities with Masters in their fields including Dolores Cannon, (creator of Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique, a world expert, author and pioneer in hypnosis and past life regression) and Master Mantak Chia (world renowned Taoist Master, author and creator of the Universal Healing Tao System). My main teachers are my guides and Source who channel courses and high energies to best support my students and clients.

Emma is a fantastic healer, body and energy worker with very profound crystal knowledge. ~ Book excerpt from Crystal Skulls by Judy Hall.
Creator of Angelic Transformation Therapy (ATT)…
This course was channelled through from the Archangels to myself, helping people return to their true nature by taking them on a journey of self-discovery, healing and transformation. My clients learn more about themselves, their purpose and how to live an enlightened life with the help of the angelic realm. The Angels help to raise vibrations and levels of consciousness, bringing the best healing and supportive energies to help my clients experience life with greater ease, joy and fulfilment.
Over 10 months my clients work with specific tasks and exercises channelled through from the Archangels and work with Qabalah and its Tree of Life. By connecting to their true selves through the exercises and guidance given by the Archangels, their lives are enriched by the divine light of Source/God and the inner power and connection that they build and develop, enriches everything they touch.

Founder of Moonstar Energies and Sacred Earth …
My love for crystals combined with energy therapy called me to complete a two year diploma in crystals and energy therapy in 2014. Crystals play a huge part of my life and my house has been filled with crystals ever since. Having also completed training in touch for health kinesiology, shamanism, Taoism and so much more, I feel my inner journey is what is most important, it is not about seeking it is about allowing, being and following my soul path and inner direction.
Led by the divine, Moonstar Energies was birthed this way in 2017. A group of us joined for earth healing at a sacred site in Dorset that had a silver well. It was here that I was told I needed to make a crystal essence for my upcoming Starseed workshop. I was given permission by a beautiful female elemental guardian of the well to work with the energies there and to use its sacred healing water. Following my inner guidance I gave thanks and took some of this sacred water home to make my first essence Rainbow Starseed. This continues to bring through many beautiful star connections and reunite people with their star ancestors.
In 2023 Sacred Earth was birthed, new product ranges, creations and sacred instruments for the heart and Soul. These include Red Kite Flutes, crystal harps and more to come soon. Many of my Moonstar Energies products are going through a rebranding.
These sacred healing products are shared all around the world, helping transform people’s lives and the Earth at the same time. I feel truly blessed to be in service in this way and I am so excited to share the many more creations that are to come.
I have been a nutritional consultant since 2000 helping my clients to achieve greater health through offering nutritional and supplementation advice. I work with high quality products from Nature’s Sunshine and Synergy which bring great support for my family and my clients.
It wasn’t always the good stuff….
For years I battled with depression and food intolerances, but by overcoming my own ill health, I have been guided to this path of healing and teaching so that I can help others.
My passion is to relieve others of their suffering, helping them find their true centre of being, their divine self. To go beyond their limitations, fears and false beliefs, bringing in deep healing, leading to higher levels of consciousness, self-empowerment, increased health, happiness, and success in their divine purpose.
I follow my inner guidance to understand and experience many different systems in my dedication to being of service helping others and progressing within my spiritual path.

My qualifications
- Gong Master Trained with Don Conreaux
- Master Teacher in Traditional Usui Reiki
- Transformational Bodywork Practitioner and Teacher
- Crystal Healing and Energy Work Diploma
- Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique Practitioner
- Life Purpose Coach
- Happiness Coach
- Relationship Workshop Facilitator
- Access Consciousness Bars Facilitator
- AMD (Angelic Multidimensional Healing) Practitioner
- Personal Training and Sports Therapy Diploma
My previous experience
In addition to running a personal training business in London, I have 10 years’ experience working in IT project management and technical support roles within Fitness First, NHS, and Barclays.
Invest in Yourself
Great self care brings strength, health and happiness, it transforms our lives and the lives of those around us. ⠀
If we truly love and respect ourselves then we can truly love and respect others. This is where we find ourselves, our true power and express our divinity in human form. ⠀
This is where we can truly shine our light on the world and be the highest version of ourselves for the benefit of all. It all starts at home. It all starts inside us.⠀