forgiveness meditation

Forgiveness is essential to our spiritual path. Without this we are hindered in our progression.  We need to release ourselves, as well as others to allow us all to move forwards.  We are all deserving of forgiveness, those that test us the most are often the ones that love us the most on a higher level.  This is often hard to grasp, ask for help and understanding if needed to see the higher perspective.

If we can understand the reasons behind their actions as well as our own this enables us to let go and forgive.  It is not about blame, we are all teaching each other.  We mirror to each other that which our soul wishes to learn.  The mirror is not always a direct reflection, it could relate to what we judge in others due to previous hurt in our lives, it could relate to what we have lost, had taken from us or given away.  When someone pushes your buttons ponder on the reflections and you maybe surprised that the issue instantly dissolves once you have realised what the situation is showing you.  This has happened to me so many times and has saved much hurt.  Be thankful for the lessons, accepting where you are without judgment and this will help greatly.

Use this forgiveness meditation to set yourself free and accelerate your spiritual progression

  • Start by bringing a situation to mind.
  • Go into meditation.
  • Repeat this invocation “I call upon Source, my higher self and the Archangels to protect, ground and connect with me now.”
  • Allow yourself to feel whatever emotion is brought up by this incident.
  • Ask for help in healing and releasing any negative energy for the highest good of all those involved.
  • See yourself and the situation surrounded by amethyst and white light, bringing the energy into harmony with all negativity dissolved.
  • Return when this feels complete.